Our Cutting Edge Technology
Dedicated Biopsy Services strives to provide the most advanced, medically accurate, and least- invasive breast biopsy technology available. With our highly experienced technicians and over 16,000 biopsies performed, we choose to use the Mammotome biopsy system and Lorad MultiCare prone breast biopsy table.
The Mammotome System has been helping physicians accurately diagnose breast cancer since 1995 and is a highly reliable diagnostic alternative to open surgical biopsy. It uses Stereotactic or ultrasound guidance in a single-incision, single- insertion, and single – probe procedure with vacuum assistance for the partial or complete removal of an imaged abnormality through a sutureless incision. A tissue marker can be inserted after specimen collection is completed for follow – up observations. This technology offers the best possible medical outcome without the risks and complications of an open surgical biopsy.
The Lorad MultiCare prone breast biopsy table offers the latest advances in stereotactic technology making it the ideal system for characterization of calcifications, masses and architectural distortions. Intuitive Cartesian Coordinates ensure accurate targeting to(+ 1mm) and safe,easy access to all lesions, including the chest wall and auxiliary regions. The exclusive contoured table allows the patient to lie comfortably in either direction throughout the procedure. The c-arm can be positioned at any angle through 180° providing true 360° access. Flexible positioning capability ensures easy access from the shortest skin to lesion distance and direct access to inferior lesions. Our technician’s expertise combined with these advanced breast biopsy solutions brings medical excellence to your facility and compassionate care to your patients.